Happy 80th birthday to Campy Campaneris, who made the Kansas City A’s fun to watch 
by Bill Jones

Between 54-year stints in Philadelphia (1901-1954) and Oakland (1968-2021 and who knows how much longer), the American League’s Athletics (“A’s” for short) played a largely forgettable 13 years (1955-1967) in Kansas City, Missouri’s Municipal Stadium. In 13 years, the Kansas City A’s had nothing but losing records. From 1955-1960, when there were only eight teams Read more . . .

One year ago – Joanna & I went out to eat together; then came the phone call that changed our lives 
by Bill Jones

(Scroll to the end for links to my previous 12 blog tributes to Joanna since her passing.) It was this Saturday last year – on the last weekend of January – that Joanna and I received the phone call from the transplant institute, notifying us that a kidney was available and that Joanna was 1st Read more . . .

11 months of missing Joanna . . . my thoughts go back to another January, 49 years ago 
by Bill Jones

(Scroll to the end for links to my previous 11 blog tributes to Joanna since her passing.) Over the past year, I’ve often been counseled, by friends who have experienced deep grief in their own lives, to journal my feelings regularly. Some have advised that this would be helpful to me, in time, to look Read more . . .

Ten months after Joanna’s passing . . . music, memories, and lumps in the throat 
by Bill Jones

(Scroll to the end for links to my previous 10 blog tributes to Joanna since her passing.) There is much in life that is a matter of perspective, much that is open to interpretation, subject to our personal experience and understanding. For instance, as much as many of us would like to enforce our religious Read more . . .

After 500 issues & 10-1/2 years, Weekly Baptist Roundup is heading for ‘the last roundup’ 
by Bill Jones

To my Weekly Baptist Roundup family, The Weekly Baptist Roundup issue of Saturday, December 18, 2021, will be issue no. 500. That number is hard for me to fathom, but it represents 10-1/2 years – except for a 10-month “hiatus” after Texas Baptists Committed ended operations in August 2017. In May 2018, I told Joanna that Read more . . .

12/1/81, a great day as we became parents for the first time . . . Alison turns 40! 
by Bill Jones

(Scroll to the end for links to my previous 9 blog tributes to Joanna since her passing.) This time of year – Thanksgiving week and the days following – have had an extra-special meaning for our family through the years. This year, Travis’s birthday – November 25 – fell on Thanksgiving Day. He turned 36. Read more . . .

Journeying with Joanna . . . Photo memories from a half-century (almost) of our travels together 
by Bill Jones

(Scroll down for links to my previous 8 blog tributes to Joanna since her passing.) Joanna passed away 9 months ago today on Feb. 14. Somehow, the days, weeks, and months keep moving along, and I keep half-expecting to see Joanna “reappear” around every corner I turn, even though I know that’s not going to Read more . . .