Remembering a Good Friend and Bright Leader – John Petty
by Phil Lineberger

(published 6/6/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog, reprinted from 5/4/2011 TBC Weekly Baptist Roundup)

(reprinted from the May 4, 2011, issue of TBC Weekly Baptist Roundup)

Remembering a Good Friend and Bright Leader – John Petty

by Phil Lineberger

Pastor, Sugar Land Baptist Church;
and Vice-Chair, TBC Board of Directors


The mantle of leadership fell comfortably around the shoulders of John Petty. He was well-educated, with a bright and inquisitive mind. He was a caring and engaged minister to his church members and to the wider Baptist audience. He had a strength of will and an ability to make wise and informed decisions. John’s sense of humor put people at ease in his presence. He studied and applied himself to the practice of preaching. 

Because of his God-given abilities and his concern for Baptist principles, John was selected for leadership at a young age. In every leadership capacity, John served well. We saw and admired the gifts and commitment of John Petty.


What we didn’t see was the darkness of depression that was gradually overcoming this young leader’s mental and emotional capacities. Slowly but surely, this disease of depression – along with the long-term chronic stress of ministry – overcame John’s will to live. He was being changed in ways that he alone sensed. It was as Paul stated in his first letter to the Corinthians: “a glass that one sees through darkly or a mirror with a poor reflection.” John came to a point where his mental, emotional, and spiritual comprehension was distorted beyond human understanding. He no longer knew how much he was loved and needed by his family, his friends, and God. He could no longer feel the warmth and affection of others. He could no longer respond in a healthy, natural way to those who loved him most. He knew only that the painful struggle he was enduring had to end.


The last time John and I were together was at the BGCT meeting in McAllen, Texas, in November 2010. I encouraged John to go with me so that we could spend some time together and be encouraged. He had shared his struggle with me several months earlier. As we sat and talked, I realized that the John Petty I had known for many years was no longer there. John looked through me and past me as we conversed. It was as if his mind was traveling beyond our time to some distant place and some other destination. What I didn’t comprehend was the depth of depression guiding John’s thoughts and emotions.


John Petty is gone from this earth but very present in the minds and thoughts of so many. The distance between this world and the next is not as far as we might think. The wall between the two is not as thick as we might imagine. John Petty still has a relationship and influence in the lives of those he loved and served.