Thanksgiving Blessing: Be Near to Us, O God of Love
by Scott Dickison

(originally published 11/20/2012 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)
Be Near to Us, O God of Love
(based on Psalm 36:5-9)
Be near to us, O God of love, all goodness in your sight.
In you we find the fount of life, Your radiance springs forth light.
Your steadfast love to heaven extends, Your faithfulness the clouds.
The mountains sing your righteousness, the deep your justice sounds.
How precious is your steadfast love, Creator of all things!
All people take their refuge in the shadow of your wings.
We in our hunger feast upon the bounty of your house,
And your great river of delights, we drink from even now.

NOTE from Bill Jones: Be Near to Us, O God of Love was written by Scott Dickison, pastor of First Baptist Church of Christ, Macon, GA. Scott recently completed a 2-year pastoral residency at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas. The Wilshire congregation sang Be Near to Us, O God of Love at Scott’s Service of Blessing on Sunday, November 18. The Service of Blessing, a Wilshire tradition, was observed to recognize Scott’s graduation from the Wilshire pastoral residency program and to ask God’s blessing on his future service for Christ. Scott has graciously given his permission for TBC to publish this as a Thanksgiving blessing.