2012 Currie-Strickland Scholars in Christian Ethics
by Bill Jones

(originally published 4/11/2012 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

On March 29, Howard Payne University hosted the 5th Annual Currie-Strickland Distinguished Lectures in Christian Ethics. One of the highlights was the recognition of the 2012 Currie-Strickland Scholars in Christian Ethics.

Derek Hatch, assistant professor of Christian Studies, recognized the following three students as Currie-Strickland Scholars:

    • Adam Hardy, senior from Corpus Christi

Adam is pursuing a triple major in Political Science, Academy of Freedom, and Biblical Languages. After graduation, he plans to either enter graduate school in film or work as a videographer for a nonprofit organization that helps those rescued from human sex trafficking.

    • Ryan Hogan, junior from Cedar Park

Ryan is a Practical Theology major. After graduation, he plans to work with those ensnared in lives of poverty (and also become a soccer referee).

    • Rachel Wohl, junior from Austin

Rachel is a Social Work major. After graduation, she plans to work with rehabilitating women and girls rescued from human sex trafficking.