A New Low in Texas Baptist Life
by Bruce Prescott, Executive Director, Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists

(originally published 10/6/2010 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

Denominational politics among Texas Baptists has reached a new low this year. In times past, it has not been unusual for innuendoes, distortions, and sometimes vicious rumors to circulate about the character and theology of the candidates who were running for offices in the convention. This year, however, a candidate for office is openly circulating vile rumors and malicious hearsay with the clear intention of sullying the reputation of a layperson outside of Texas and not running for office.

Ed Jackson, a layman from Garland, Texas, and a candidate for second vice-president of the BGCT, has slandered Bob Stephenson, a layman from Norman, Oklahoma, in a comment posted on Ken Coffee’s weblog. Other persons share equal culpability for re-posting and circulating his slanderous rumor throughout the blogosphere.

Jackson has accused Mr. Stephenson of receiving an illegal kickback from donations he made to First Baptist Church of Norman, OK. In reality, funds that Stephenson donated to the church were transferred from the church to Oklahoma Baptist University to be used for scholarships. Jackson’s statements about FBC Norman, therefore, are inaccurate and totally irrelevant in regard to the work of Texas Baptists.

Jackson also alleges that Stephenson is “the MAJOR contributor to TBC.” Mr. Stephenson’s generosity to Texas Baptists Committed (TBC) has never been a secret, though it is highly unlikely that his donations to TBC amount to more than those of other contributors. In reality, his contributions to TBC have been miniscule in comparison with his generosity toward numerous other Baptist causes – including the financial safety net that TBC and other mainstream Baptists collected to help transition the SBC missionaries who refused to sign the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message Statement.

Stephenson takes great pride in whatever small role he has been able to play in assisting TBC to assure that the institutions and agencies of BGCT have held fast to historic Baptist principles and remained free from the domination and control of fundamentalism. He encourages other free and faithful Baptists to demonstrate their gratitude for the efforts of TBC by donating to support its ongoing work.