2010 Annual Meeting of Texas Baptists
by Former BGCT Presidents

(originally published 9/8/2010 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

As former presidents of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, we know well the important work that goes on each year at the Annual Meeting. This year will be no different as several key matters will come before the messengers.  The 2011 Budget as well as membership of every committee and of institutional boards will be determined by vote of messengers present in McAllen.

Because the Annual Meeting is in a place where it has never been, we decided to write to encourage traditional Baptists to be a part of “Spreading Hope” in McAllen, November 8-9.

Meeting in the Valley provides a great opportunity to meet new friends, build new bridges, and develop new partnerships for missions.

You can learn more about the Annual Meeting by going to www.bgct.org/annualmeeting.

We encourage you to register as a messenger through your church and plan to join us in McAllen.

Moreover, we ask you to ensure that your church sends its full complement of messengers. We are concerned that there may be a lower turnout this year due to the location. We are hopeful you will take up the challenge of making this a great convention year by coming and bringing others with you.

Michael Bell
Joy Fenner
Clyde Glazener
Ken Hall
Phil Lineberger
Albert Reyes