SBC power-brokers’ problem isn’t Russell Moore; it’s Jesus! 
by Bill Jones

(Originally published on the Texas Baptists Committed blog at Wouldn’t you know it? The one SBC national leader I trust, and they want to get rid of him! After Russell Moore succeeded Richard Land as president of the SBC Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), it didn’t take long for me to notice the difference: Read more . . .

When family doesn’t want you anymore 
by Bill Jones

(Originally published on the Texas Baptists Committed blog at As I write this, I’m sitting at the back of the room, observing the deliberations of the Executive Board of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. In November, my home church, Wilshire Baptist of Dallas, voted to recognize only one class of members. There would no Read more . . .

Thankful for Jerry Barnes, who invested himself in my life 
by Bill Jones

(Originally published on the Texas Baptists Committed blog at Jerry Barnes passed away this morning. Jerry was pastor of University Baptist Church in Shawnee when I was a student at Oklahoma Baptist University. He was key in giving me guidance and support during the faith struggle I experienced, which began early in my sophomore year (1970-’71) Read more . . .

REALLY? One disagreement, and we throw away all that we share? 
by Bill Jones

(Originally published on the Texas Baptists Committed blog at As Christians, and especially Baptist Christians, we should be able to disagree and then go on to work together, in the many areas where we agree, to carry the grace of Christ to a hurting world. There is too much need in the world for us Read more . . .

Local church autonomy, inclusion, and the Baptist General Convention of Texas 
by Bill Jones

(Originally published on the Texas Baptists Committed blog at (The following is excerpted from the TBC Update that I delivered to the 2016 Texas Baptists Committed Breakfast at the BGCT Annual Meeting in Waco on Tuesday, November 15.) Texas Baptists Committed continues to respond when Baptist principles are compromised. In 2004, my wife and I Read more . . .

No ordinary election – Christians, stand up against Donald Trump Tuesday and every day thereafter 
by Bill Jones

Some of my Christian friends on Facebook have sworn in recent months to quit posting politically partisan material. Most have explained their decision in terms of not wanting to further division among Christians and jeopardize friendships. Recurring themes have been that, regardless of who wins the presidency, “God is still on His throne” and “God is in control.” Sorry, Read more . . .

The Roundup 5 years later – I didn’t know what I was getting myself into! 
by Bill Jones

(Originally published on the Texas Baptists Committed blog at This week marks the 5th anniversary of TBC Weekly Baptist Roundup, originally titled TBC Midweek Baptist Roundup. TBC published the first issue on Wednesday, May 11, 2011. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into – a commitment that I would need to fulfill every week before Read more . . .

Discerning the Law (Mark 2:23-27) 
by Dan Williams

(Originally published on the Texas Baptists Committed blog at (Dan Williams, longtime pastor and former president of the Texas Baptist Laity Institute, passed away on April 28 after a long battle with prostate cancer. Dan wrote the following as a Lenten devotional a few years ago while serving as pastor of International Baptist Church in Read more . . .

Remembering my baptism – 55 years ago tonight 
by Bill Jones

(Originally published on the Texas Baptists Committed blog at I was baptized 55 years ago this evening. April 16, 1961, at First Baptist Church, Richardson, Texas. 55 years ago! To put that in perspective, here are a few things going on in the world around that time:   John F. Kennedy had been inaugurated less Read more . . .