Remembering a Good Friend and Bright Leader – John Petty
by Phil Lineberger

(published 6/6/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog, reprinted from 5/4/2011 TBC Weekly Baptist Roundup)

(reprinted from the May 4, 2011, issue of TBC Weekly Baptist Roundup) Remembering a Good Friend and Bright Leader – John Petty by Phil Lineberger Pastor, Sugar Land Baptist Church; and Vice-Chair, TBC Board of Directors   The mantle of leadership fell comfortably around the shoulders of John Petty. He was well-educated, with a bright and Read more . . .

Phil Lineberger’s wonderful life
by Bill Jones

(originally published 6/5/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

It has been less than a week since we lost Phil Lineberger, but it already seems an eternity. Much has been said and written about Phil this week. Some have spoken of the depression that took his life, some have shared personal reflections of Phil. I expressed my own high regard for my friend Phil Read more . . .

You CAN go home again: 50 years later, evidence of rich returns on a church’s investment in its youth
by Bill Jones

(originally published 5/30/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

Last week, I went home. Or at least it sure felt like home. And, with apologies to Thomas Wolfe, I found you CAN go home again. No, things aren’t quite the same, but there were times it almost felt like I had been transported back to the 1960s, when I was growing up in Kansas Read more . . .

Baptist News Global/Associated Baptist Press: from painful birth to faithful service
by Bill Jones

(originally published 4/18/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

Congratulations to David Wilkinson and Baptist News Global ‘s staff and Board of Directors as they celebrate the 25th anniversary of Associated Baptist Press in Nashville on Monday. We Baptists must always be cognizant of the critical importance of a free and independent Baptist press. To be free and faithful Baptists, we must be informed Read more . . .

TBC Weekly Baptist Roundup . . . 200 weeks and counting
by Bill Jones

(originally published 3/7/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

Today I’ll send the 200th edition of TBC Weekly Baptist Roundup, the Texas Baptists Committed e-newsletter. My initial purpose in creating the Roundup was to keep TBC’s name at the front of people’s minds. But TBC Weekly Baptist Roundup has become so much more. It has given me the opportunity to, among other things: Highlight Read more . . .

SEEKING TO KNOW JESUS BETTER, pt. 3: Through the life – and sacrifice – of Kayla Mueller
by Bill Jones

(originally published 2/28/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

Seeking to know Jesus better . . . Sometimes the best way to get to know Jesus better is to know – or at least know the story of – someone whose life reflects her/his own nearness to Jesus. And so it was with the story of Kayla Mueller, as related in a recent article Read more . . .

The Legacy of Welton Gaddy at The Interfaith Alliance
by David R. Currie

(originally published 2/21/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

(NOTE: David R. Currie is retired executive director of Texas Baptists Committed, having served in that role from 1988-2009.)   I was honored to serve on the board of The Interfaith Alliance for many years. In fact, Foy Valentine and I were on the search committee that called Welton Gaddy to be our president 17 Read more . . .

SEEKING TO KNOW JESUS BETTER, pt. 2: The four Gospel accounts – how they came to be
by Bill Jones

(originally published 1/31/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

I’ve pulled down a book from my shelves, one that I’ve had for a long time. In fact, it was recommended to me by Jerry Barnes, the pastor who was so influential in my search for truth during my college years. During that time, Jerry recommended a book entitled The Life and Teaching of Jesus Read more . . .

SEEKING TO KNOW JESUS BETTER, pt. 1: Another step in my journey with God
by Bill Jones

(originally published 1/10/2015 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

I’ve felt something’s missing. As many discussions as I enter into in Sunday School and elsewhere about Jesus . . . as faithfully as I pray to the Father throughout the day in Jesus’ name . . . as much as I try to – as best I can – follow his teachings and emulate Read more . . .

Celebrating the birth of Jesus, redeemer of “lost causes”
by Bill Jones

(originally published 12/20/2014 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

In this Advent season, I’ve been reflecting on this Jesus whose birth we celebrate. What is He really about? Earlier this week, I was talking with a friend and colleague about a ministry effort in which we’re both involved that, when it began, seemed so daunting as to be considered a “lost cause.” Now, after Read more . . .