Joanna spoke out against demeaning racial slurs and the fears they caused her as an Asian-American 
by Bill Jones

(Scroll to the end for links to my previous blog tributes to Joanna since her passing.) The love of my life, Joanna, passed away on Feb. 14 of complications following her kidney transplant surgery on Jan. 31. We were married 44-1/2 years, raised two wonderful children together, and celebrated the lives of four beautiful grandchildren Read more . . .

Common threads: My worst moments as a Christian (3/16/2003) and as an American citizen (1/6/2021) 
by Bill Jones

On a Sunday morning in March 2003, on the eve of the American invasion of Iraq, I experienced the worst moment in my (then) 42 years as a professing Christian and 52 years spent in Baptist churches, from cradle roll to adult. My wife and I had been members of that particular church for over Read more . . .

50 years ago today, Nov. 12, 1970, I leapt out of the fundamentalist foxhole 
by Bill Jones

“The devil sure got ahold of you!” – November 1970 “Bill, do you ever stop and pray for the president of our country or just complain about him? As Christians that’s our responsibility according to the Bible, or do you read it anymore? I can’t believe we grew up in the same church. ☹” – Read more . . .

Joe Biden: Breaking a 44-year presidential mold 
by Bill Jones

As I watched the continuing Presidential Election 2020 saga Wednesday evening, I heard one network anchor declare that former Vice-President Joe Biden, with 253 electoral votes (at that point) awarded by some networks and 264 by others, was “standing on the doorstep of the White House.” At that moment, something occurred to me that I Read more . . .

Regarding the Amy Coney Barrett hearings: a couple of thoughts 
by Bill Jones

I plopped down in front of the TV this morning just as Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) began speaking, and I watched him make his opening statement. I thought he hit all the right notes, especially regarding the Republicans’ hypocrisy AND especially, their intention to use Barrett to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, Read more . . .

50 years ago today, October 5, 1970: the Shawnee tornado . . . and being Matthew 25 people 
by Bill Jones

I was barely into my sophomore year at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma. It was a Monday, the middle of the afternoon, as I recall. I really don’t remember much before or during the tornado, except that it was unusually dark for an October afternoon; there was no light streaming through the windows of Read more . . .

Responding to a reader’s concerns, Part 5: Seeing Jesus through different lenses – Does our faith shape our politics OR our politics shape our faith? 
by Bill Jones

Click here to read Part 1. Click here to read Part 2. Click here to read Part 3. Click here to read Part 4. It is obvious that you and I have very different lenses through which we view things like Celebrate Freedom Sunday, Mike Pence’s speech, and so forth. We apparently even have different Read more . . .