Church & State:
Voting Christ’s values – a perspective, part 3: What do Christ’s values have to do with government?

In part 1, I cited the Beatitudes as setting forth Christ’s values, and added my own comments on how these might apply to the issues we face as we vote in the mid-term elections. In part 2, I cited the passage from Matthew 25, in which Jesus spoke of separating the sheep from the goats, Read more . . .

Church & State:
Voting Christ’s values – a perspective, part 1: The Beatitudes

Some evangelical leaders have been quoted as saying our nation elects “a president, not a pastor,” explaining that – in electing a president (and, presumably, other government officials) – they are willing to ignore Christian values in the interest of electing someone who will “get things done,” in other words, further their own political agenda. Read more . . .