Baptist Briefs videos on hiatus until April 18
by Bill Jones

(originally published 4/8/2011 on Texas Baptists Committed blog)

I‘ve spent part of this week in San Antonio for meetings with several Baptist leaders, and next week I’ll be in Abilene for the annual T. B. Maston Lectures in Christian Ethics.

Baptist Briefs will resume on Monday, April 18. The next 10 days will be a good time for you to “catch up” on any of the following series you might have missed: (or you can watch all 68 Baptist Briefs videos to-date on our TBC YouTube channel at


Baptist Beginnings: England & Amsterdam in the 17th Century
Baptists Fight for Religious Liberty in the New United States
Bold Mission Thrust
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
First Baptists in America: 17th Century
Founding of the Southern Baptist Convention
Fundamentalist Takeover of the SBC
Missionary Movement
Seventy-Five Million Campaign, The
Soul Competency/Soul Freedom
Texas Baptists Committed
Texas Baptists Who Made a Difference
Triennial Convention
Youth Revival Movement, The